Web+Center 8.0 9.0 Display All Current File Versions (TECHMOBILE) Directory |
To determine if any of your Web+Center files are not current with the current
shipping files, sort your (Techcenter) directory by date and then compare the
dates and sizes provided by this utility. If there are some newer files available,
then click the individual file FTP download link and update your files.
One must be careful to not to overwrite any customizations that you may have done
on an ASP module. It is best to rename the current ASP module first so it can be recovered
if the new download module causes any problems.
BEFORE installing any new versions of a file, you should create a backup of the complete Web+Center
directory tree so you can recover to the original file
in case you have modified the
file for customization purposes and you do not want to lose those customizations.
Important: For licensed Web+Center users, some files will be different so
do not replace the files that you have modified for your additional
tech licenses.
Listed below is a list of the all current shipping Web+Center Version 8.0 9.0 files
of the TechMobile directory. Information about each file is included next to it.
Modified/Added in last 7 days | Modified/Added in last 7-14 days | Modified/Added in last 14-31 days | Modified/Added in the last 1 to 2 months | Modified/Added in the last 2 to 3 months | Modified/Added in the last 3 to 4 months | Modified/Added in the last 4 to 6 months | Modified/Added in the last 6 to 8 months | Modified/Added in the last 8 to 12 months | Modified/Added more than 1 year ago |
File Name (Click to download file) |
Modified Date/Time | File Age (Days) |
AddCase.png | 01/21/2014 18:21 (1603 bytes) | 4050 Days |
addcustomer.png | 09/09/2013 17:49 (1863 bytes) | 4184 Days |
Adovbs.inc | 06/13/2013 08:39 (7419 bytes) | 4272 Days |
advancedcasesearch.png | 01/21/2014 16:15 (1911 bytes) | 4050 Days |
AjaxLibs.inc | 06/13/2013 12:20 (437 bytes) | 4272 Days |
apple-touch-icon.png | 02/22/2014 21:27 (5073 bytes) | 4018 Days |
AssetInfoTM.asp | 04/17/2017 10:17 (40152 bytes) | 2868 Days |
AssetInfoTM.asp.org | 11/07/2016 21:53 (38426 bytes) | 3029 Days |
AssetLocationTM.asp | 11/07/2016 22:51 (9513 bytes) | 3029 Days |
AssetResultsTM.asp | 10/16/2013 09:06 (12315 bytes) | 4147 Days |
assets.png | 01/21/2014 18:44 (1979 bytes) | 4050 Days |
AssetsTM.asp | 04/12/2017 22:55 (14400 bytes) | 2873 Days |
available.png | 01/21/2014 18:26 (2090 bytes) | 4050 Days |
busy.gif | 09/09/2013 17:28 (1382 bytes) | 4184 Days |
busy.png | 02/05/2014 23:24 (2334 bytes) | 4035 Days |
BusyAvailableTM.asp | 09/09/2013 19:16 (2926 bytes) | 4184 Days |
calendar.png | 09/09/2013 17:49 (1232 bytes) | 4184 Days |
call.png | 06/17/2013 14:14 (2296 bytes) | 4268 Days |
casesearch.png | 01/21/2014 16:12 (1831 bytes) | 4050 Days |
casesearch.png.old | 09/11/2013 15:02 (1744 bytes) | 4182 Days |
CheckVersions.asp | 12/22/2015 15:56 (5637 bytes) | 3350 Days |
ClearAssetLocationTM.asp | 11/07/2016 21:36 (5081 bytes) | 3029 Days |
ClearMyLocationTM.asp | 11/01/2016 21:26 (5339 bytes) | 3035 Days |
css_access.dat | 01/31/2013 13:42 (671 bytes) | 4405 Days |
currentcases.png | 02/16/2014 23:12 (1257 bytes) | 4024 Days |
custom.png | 01/21/2014 18:23 (2009 bytes) | 4050 Days |
customer.png | 09/09/2013 15:57 (2164 bytes) | 4184 Days |
CustomerSearchTM.asp | 01/27/2014 10:31 (10044 bytes) | 4044 Days |
CustomTMpage.asp | 10/21/2013 17:28 (7828 bytes) | 4142 Days |
DB_define.inc | 05/07/2019 10:06 (5157 bytes) | 2118 Days |
Default.asp | 03/04/2014 11:07 (2704 bytes) | 4008 Days |
DeleteExpenseEntryTM.asp | 09/24/2013 17:34 (4803 bytes) | 4169 Days |
DeleteTimeSpentEntryTM.asp | 09/20/2013 10:11 (4973 bytes) | 4173 Days |
detectmobilebrowser.asp | 09/16/2013 15:38 (2692 bytes) | 4177 Days |
dispatch.png | 01/21/2014 16:23 (1972 bytes) | 4050 Days |
displatch.png | 09/09/2013 16:19 (1892 bytes) | 4184 Days |
DisplayScheduledCasesTM.asp | 09/05/2013 09:13 (15196 bytes) | 4188 Days |
DoAssetInfoTM.asp | 04/14/2017 12:51 (48172 bytes) | 2871 Days |
DoAssetsTM.asp | 09/26/2013 16:04 (17591 bytes) | 4167 Days |
DoAttachFiletoCase.asp | 04/24/2017 16:44 (77889 bytes) | 2861 Days |
DoAttachPhotoToTechTM.asp | 10/04/2017 14:32 (7457 bytes) | 2698 Days |
DoCustomerSearchTM.asp | 10/15/2013 17:23 (13640 bytes) | 4148 Days |
DoDeleteExpenseEntryTM.asp | 09/24/2013 17:26 (3888 bytes) | 4169 Days |
DoDeleteTechPhotoTM.asp | 06/13/2015 10:02 (6304 bytes) | 3542 Days |
DoDeleteTimeSpentEntryTM.asp | 09/24/2013 17:26 (3857 bytes) | 4169 Days |
DoEditStaffMemberTM.asp | 10/24/2017 21:54 (8452 bytes) | 2678 Days |
DoGetCaseTM.asp | 09/24/2013 17:26 (23964 bytes) | 4169 Days |
DoNewCustomerTM.asp | 10/17/2013 09:10 (34640 bytes) | 4146 Days |
DoSearch1TM.asp | 02/08/2014 10:13 (50195 bytes) | 4032 Days |
DoSearch2TM.asp | 09/23/2013 13:38 (18838 bytes) | 4170 Days |
DoSingleSurveyTM.asp | 12/17/2013 23:55 (14346 bytes) | 4085 Days |
DoTCaseFormtm.asp | 09/28/2017 13:45 (176732 bytes) | 2704 Days |
DoTechLoginLicTM.asp | 09/09/2013 12:18 (7838 bytes) | 4184 Days |
DoTechLoginShowCaseTM.asp | 09/17/2013 16:24 (7615 bytes) | 4176 Days |
DoTechLoginTM.asp | 03/30/2017 21:46 (9260 bytes) | 2886 Days |
DoUpdateAssetLocationTM.asp | 11/07/2016 22:26 (5690 bytes) | 3029 Days |
DoUpdateMyLocationTM.asp | 11/07/2016 20:01 (5520 bytes) | 3029 Days |
DoUploadFileToAssetTM.asp | 10/04/2017 14:35 (19352 bytes) | 2698 Days |
DoUploadFileToCaseTM.asp | 10/05/2017 16:48 (22766 bytes) | 2697 Days |
EditStaffMemberTM.asp | 02/05/2018 12:09 (14512 bytes) | 2574 Days |
EditTechPhotoTM.asp | 06/13/2015 10:53 (2968 bytes) | 3542 Days |
Encodepwd.inc | 11/05/2007 21:18 (7828 bytes) | 6319 Days |
ExportMyCalendarEventsTM.asp | 10/17/2013 22:35 (24651 bytes) | 4146 Days |
findcustomer.png | 01/21/2014 16:29 (2081 bytes) | 4050 Days |
FunctionsTM.inc | 11/29/2016 13:00 (7004 bytes) | 3007 Days |
geolocation.png | 10/31/2016 22:06 (1200 bytes) | 3036 Days |
GetCaseTM.asp | 09/24/2013 17:28 (7910 bytes) | 4169 Days |
Global.asa | 05/07/2019 14:04 (6633 bytes) | 2118 Days |
global.v9.asa | 05/06/2019 22:44 (6555 bytes) | 2119 Days |
green-on.gif | 05/09/1996 19:18 (347 bytes) | 10516 Days |
HeaderTM.inc | 02/22/2014 22:41 (784 bytes) | 4018 Days |
InvalidUserTM.inc | 09/24/2013 17:29 (6427 bytes) | 4169 Days |
LaunchPHPLiveChatMobile.asp | 11/02/2017 11:44 (4182 bytes) | 2669 Days |
LiveChat.gif | 10/17/2017 16:37 (880 bytes) | 2685 Days |
LoginDialogGeoLocationTM.asp | 11/01/2016 22:54 (5663 bytes) | 3035 Days |
LoginDialogTM.asp | 11/04/2016 11:08 (6063 bytes) | 3032 Days |
LoginDialogTM.orginal.asp | 11/01/2016 23:01 (2929 bytes) | 3035 Days |
logingraphic.png | 09/09/2013 17:58 (14754 bytes) | 4184 Days |
Logout.png | 10/21/2013 11:43 (578 bytes) | 4142 Days |
logoutsmall.jpg | 10/21/2013 11:42 (783 bytes) | 4142 Days |
MakeAssetHTML.inc | 06/19/2013 15:08 (27877 bytes) | 4266 Days |
Menu.asp | 02/09/2018 23:32 (12382 bytes) | 2570 Days |
MobileConfigurationTM.inc | 10/21/2013 12:41 (2000 bytes) | 4142 Days |
mobile_top.png | 01/21/2014 18:40 (4293 bytes) | 4050 Days |
mycases.png | 01/21/2014 16:37 (2018 bytes) | 4050 Days |
MyLocationTM.asp | 11/01/2016 21:47 (8733 bytes) | 3035 Days |
NewCustomerTM.asp | 11/06/2013 17:01 (27496 bytes) | 4126 Days |
NewCustomerTM.org.asp | 09/24/2013 20:52 (25435 bytes) | 4169 Days |
opencases.png | 01/21/2014 16:38 (2023 bytes) | 4050 Days |
othercases.png | 01/21/2014 16:39 (2035 bytes) | 4050 Days |
OtherCasesTM.asp | 09/24/2013 17:25 (5905 bytes) | 4169 Days |
red-on.gif | 05/09/1996 19:18 (366 bytes) | 10516 Days |
redirect.asp | 11/07/2016 22:42 (199 bytes) | 3029 Days |
ReportsTM.inc | 06/17/2013 17:55 (19551 bytes) | 4268 Days |
robots.txt | 09/30/2016 13:49 (30 bytes) | 3067 Days |
SC.asp | 10/10/2013 09:01 (6435 bytes) | 4153 Days |
SC.asp.9.16 | 09/16/2013 16:14 (8001 bytes) | 4177 Days |
SCTM.asp | 10/03/2013 13:20 (6433 bytes) | 4160 Days |
SearchTM.asp | 02/08/2014 10:16 (22251 bytes) | 4032 Days |
SelectCustomerTM.asp | 09/24/2013 17:24 (4130 bytes) | 4169 Days |
SetGlobal.asp | 04/07/2009 19:39 (3440 bytes) | 5800 Days |
ShowOpenCasesTM - Copy.asp | 09/17/2013 16:40 (11764 bytes) | 4176 Days |
ShowOpenCasesTM.asp | 02/18/2014 20:42 (15225 bytes) | 4022 Days |
TCaseFormTimeAndBillingTM.inc | 09/18/2013 16:40 (5200 bytes) | 4175 Days |
TCaseFormTM.asp | 10/03/2017 21:57 (91413 bytes) | 2699 Days |
techmobilelogin.psd | 09/09/2013 18:58 (360131 bytes) | 4184 Days |
TechStaffStatusTM.asp | 11/06/2013 09:26 (7748 bytes) | 4126 Days |
TechusererrorTM.inc | 02/12/2014 14:17 (1552 bytes) | 4028 Days |
Thumbs.db | 01/27/2014 19:27 (60416 bytes) | 4044 Days |
TLogoutTM.asp | 10/21/2013 11:53 (1124 bytes) | 4142 Days |
tmcalendar.asp | 10/18/2013 09:38 (18052 bytes) | 4145 Days |
TMLoginGraphic200x286.jpg | 10/21/2013 21:36 (11390 bytes) | 4142 Days |
TMLoginGraphic350x500.jpg | 10/21/2013 21:25 (25608 bytes) | 4142 Days |
UpdateOneKBTM.asp | 09/07/2013 07:10 (12149 bytes) | 4186 Days |
Upload.asp | 07/21/2003 14:47 (4578 bytes) | 7887 Days |
UploadFileToAssetTM.asp | 04/17/2017 09:08 (2707 bytes) | 2868 Days |
UploadFileToCaseTM.asp | 10/02/2017 21:35 (2769 bytes) | 2700 Days |
UpperNavBarTM.inc | 10/31/2016 17:45 (844 bytes) | 3036 Days |
Summary Results:
Number of files reviewed:118