Web+Center 8.0 9.0 File Version Checks
Web+Center 8.0 9.0
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(TECHCENTER) Directory


File Modified/Updated/Added Color Legend
Modified/Added in last 7 days
Modified/Added in last 7-14 days
Modified/Added in last 14-31 days
Modified/Added in the last 1 to 2 months
Modified/Added in the last 2 to 3 months
Modified/Added in the last 3 to 4 months
Modified/Added in the last 4 to 6 months
Modified/Added in the last 6 to 8 months
Modified/Added in the last 8 to 12 months
Modified/Added more than 1 year ago

File Name
(Click to download file)
Modified Date/Time File Age
2FConfiguration.asp 12/19/2018 12:33 (5958 bytes) 2263 Days
A Guide to Version 7 Reports.doc 02/17/2012 09:20 (0 bytes) 4760 Days
AccountManagerConfig.asp 01/23/2014 16:08 (18496 bytes) 4054 Days
AddEmailToCaseTablesAccess.asp 02/10/2011 12:25 (7060 bytes) 5132 Days
AddEmailToCaseTablesSQLServer.asp 01/19/2011 12:34 (6882 bytes) 5154 Days
AddEventType.asp 07/21/2003 14:46 (4633 bytes) 7893 Days
AddQBTablesAccess.asp 04/22/2008 12:50 (6333 bytes) 6156 Days
AddQBTablesSQL.asp 04/22/2008 12:53 (7525 bytes) 6156 Days
AddStaffToGroup.asp 07/21/2003 14:46 (6401 bytes) 7893 Days
AdminLoginStatus.asp 03/01/2017 13:48 (38829 bytes) 2921 Days
Adovbs.inc 01/14/2016 17:37 (7427 bytes) 3333 Days
AdvancedEscalation.asp 03/01/2017 13:48 (44130 bytes) 2921 Days
AdvancedEscalationConfig.asp 05/30/2013 14:48 (15959 bytes) 4292 Days
AdvancedEscalationTimeFilter.asp 03/29/2013 12:09 (8131 bytes) 4354 Days
AllCasesByCompanyByDate.asp 08/05/2011 16:46 (9100 bytes) 4956 Days
AllCasesByCustomer.asp 02/03/2012 09:24 (5907 bytes) 4774 Days
AllCasesByCustomerByDate.asp 08/05/2011 16:46 (9554 bytes) 4956 Days
AllCasesByRole.asp 05/01/2012 16:05 (10362 bytes) 4686 Days
AllCasesClosedByGroup.asp 08/05/2011 16:42 (5655 bytes) 4956 Days
AllCasesClosedByGroupByDate.asp 08/05/2011 16:40 (8033 bytes) 4956 Days
AllCasesClosedByTech.asp 08/05/2011 16:43 (6081 bytes) 4956 Days
AllCasesClosedByTechByDate.asp 08/05/2011 16:40 (8409 bytes) 4956 Days
AllCasesOpenedByGroupByDate.asp 08/05/2011 16:41 (7794 bytes) 4956 Days
AllCasesOpenedByTechByDate.asp 08/05/2011 16:43 (7917 bytes) 4956 Days
AnalyzeFileDownloadsConfig.asp 10/07/2016 09:30 (5278 bytes) 3066 Days
Ant.asp 08/18/2008 22:50 (7876 bytes) 6038 Days
Aspfailure.gif 02/11/2005 18:46 (1314 bytes) 7322 Days
AssetClone.asp 03/14/2012 17:34 (42204 bytes) 4734 Days
AssetGroups.asp 11/15/2011 13:13 (7598 bytes) 4854 Days
AssetInfo.asp 11/16/2017 15:18 (47251 bytes) 2661 Days
AssetNumberAssist.asp 05/10/2010 13:39 (13506 bytes) 5408 Days
AssetNumberAssistRobust.asp 03/30/2012 07:08 (19003 bytes) 4718 Days
AssetReplace.asp 02/29/2012 12:32 (7055 bytes) 4748 Days
AssetReport.asp 03/01/2012 15:09 (16349 bytes) 4747 Days
Assets.asp 01/18/2018 17:03 (21925 bytes) 2598 Days
Assetsaudit.asp 08/13/2003 15:08 (5331 bytes) 7870 Days
AssetsCSVRetireSurplus.asp 05/01/2012 17:14 (6179 bytes) 4686 Days
Asset_Computer_ID_Field_Assist.asp 08/21/2006 18:01 (8296 bytes) 6766 Days
Asset_Description_Field_Assist.asp 06/29/2004 14:37 (7899 bytes) 7549 Days
AssignAdditionalCustomerPopup.asp 02/02/2017 18:52 (32140 bytes) 2948 Days
attachfile.gif 07/25/2004 01:04 (259 bytes) 7523 Days
AttachFileToCase.asp 09/29/2017 22:59 (6364 bytes) 2709 Days
AttachFileToCaseNet.asp 04/06/2009 22:17 (6405 bytes) 5807 Days
AttachFileToCaseSecure.asp 09/29/2017 22:44 (6523 bytes) 2709 Days
AttachPhoto.asp 06/10/2015 08:33 (3149 bytes) 3551 Days
Audit.asp 01/15/2018 18:49 (2788 bytes) 2601 Days
Audit1.asp 08/19/2008 10:12 (2819 bytes) 6037 Days
Audit11.asp 08/19/2008 10:12 (2958 bytes) 6037 Days
Audit2.asp 08/14/2008 16:55 (2955 bytes) 6042 Days
Authentest.asp 07/21/2003 14:46 (837 bytes) 7893 Days
AuthLogin.asp 07/21/2003 14:46 (7759 bytes) 7893 Days
AvgTimeToCloseByCategory.asp 08/05/2011 16:44 (14332 bytes) 4956 Days
AvgTimeToCloseByCategoryv1.asp 12/10/2009 23:27 (19942 bytes) 5559 Days
AvgTimeToCloseByGroup.asp 08/05/2011 16:46 (9182 bytes) 4956 Days
AvgTimeToCloseByPriority.asp 08/05/2011 16:46 (9142 bytes) 4956 Days
AvgTimeToCloseByTech.asp 08/05/2011 16:44 (9752 bytes) 4956 Days
AvgTimeToCloseByTechSLA.asp 05/20/2011 09:20 (12175 bytes) 5033 Days
AvgTimeToCloseByTechSLa2.asp 05/20/2011 09:21 (13729 bytes) 5033 Days
AvgTimeToOpenCloseByGroup.asp 08/05/2011 16:39 (9356 bytes) 4956 Days
AvgTimeToOpenCloseByTech.asp 08/05/2011 16:44 (9802 bytes) 4956 Days
backg1.gif 01/26/1999 23:44 (4140 bytes) 9530 Days
backoffc.gif 04/13/1998 17:53 (1412 bytes) 9818 Days
Backup_AssetInfo.asp 08/25/2004 23:52 (27747 bytes) 7492 Days
BCENTER.GIF 11/15/2000 12:11 (1108 bytes) 8871 Days
blank_button.gif.GIF 09/13/1999 15:44 (964 bytes) 9300 Days
Blank_Login_Logo.jpg 07/01/2004 11:23 (24895 bytes) 7547 Days
Bootstrapexample-simple1.asp 10/16/2016 22:08 (4275 bytes) 3057 Days
Bootstrapexamples.asp 10/17/2016 15:23 (262286 bytes) 3056 Days
BootstrapNav.inc 01/08/2018 18:30 (7351 bytes) 2608 Days
BootstrapNavFooter.inc 02/19/2019 17:28 (1002 bytes) 2201 Days
bottomframe.GIF 10/31/2011 14:12 (906 bytes) 4869 Days
BulkDeleteHelp.htm 10/02/2007 14:54 (3452 bytes) 6359 Days
bullet2.gif 09/13/1999 13:17 (202 bytes) 9300 Days
Businesscenter.asp 10/07/2017 22:13 (6429 bytes) 2701 Days
ButtonAssistant.asp 09/13/2007 21:15 (34650 bytes) 6378 Days
Buttonreplacements.inc 12/01/2016 13:22 (2854 bytes) 3011 Days
calendar.gif 07/25/2004 01:01 (289 bytes) 7523 Days
Calendardefs.inc 08/13/2003 15:08 (1070 bytes) 7870 Days
CalendarView.asp 11/16/2004 10:18 (10389 bytes) 7409 Days
CasesByCategory.asp 09/04/2012 07:29 (13021 bytes) 4560 Days
CasesByCategoryCompany.asp 05/01/2017 11:08 (16418 bytes) 2860 Days
CasesByGroupByCategory.asp 08/12/2011 10:52 (12562 bytes) 4949 Days
CasesByGroupByCategoryv1.asp 05/17/2011 15:54 (16709 bytes) 5036 Days
CasesClosedByGroup.asp 08/05/2011 16:41 (5965 bytes) 4956 Days
CasesClosedByTech.asp 08/05/2011 16:41 (6186 bytes) 4956 Days
CasesOpenClosedByWeek.asp 08/06/2011 08:59 (11480 bytes) 4955 Days
CasesOpenClosedByWeekByGroup.asp 08/05/2011 16:39 (12181 bytes) 4956 Days
CasesOpenedByGroup.asp 08/05/2011 16:42 (5865 bytes) 4956 Days
CasesOpenedByTech.asp 08/05/2011 16:51 (6109 bytes) 4956 Days
CaseTemplates.asp 06/09/2016 08:43 (18842 bytes) 3186 Days
cdefault.gif 05/02/2015 21:10 (2082 bytes) 3590 Days
ChangeDefaultGroup.asp 07/21/2003 14:46 (5587 bytes) 7893 Days
Changepassword.asp 07/21/2003 14:46 (5205 bytes) 7893 Days
Changepassword.htm 07/21/2003 14:46 (1491 bytes) 7893 Days
CheckForUpdates.asp 04/30/2019 16:54 (9773 bytes) 2131 Days
CheckVersions.asp 12/22/2015 13:18 (5485 bytes) 3356 Days
CKLKey.asp 02/16/2005 12:39 (5791 bytes) 7317 Days
CKLKey2.asp 06/30/2014 19:03 (5334 bytes) 3896 Days
ClearDuplicateCase.asp 05/04/2013 12:34 (5422 bytes) 4318 Days
Clearkb.asp 07/21/2003 14:46 (2218 bytes) 7893 Days
ClearMyLocation.asp 11/01/2016 17:55 (5810 bytes) 3041 Days
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ClosedCasesByCustomerByDate.asp 08/05/2011 17:02 (9538 bytes) 4956 Days
CloseTechTextWindow.asp 01/19/2007 12:51 (7082 bytes) 6615 Days
Company_Field_Assist.asp 06/29/2004 14:37 (7703 bytes) 7549 Days
Company_Field_Assist2.asp 11/13/2006 14:20 (12678 bytes) 6682 Days
Company_Field_Assist_Help.asp 11/13/2006 17:04 (5017 bytes) 6682 Days
ComputeSLATime.inc 12/18/2009 15:26 (13353 bytes) 5551 Days
computeslatimetoclosebycategory.asp 05/19/2011 07:37 (22538 bytes) 5034 Days
computeslatimetoclosebyTechnician.asp 05/19/2011 09:51 (21933 bytes) 5034 Days
ComputeWeekdayHoursDuration.inc 12/23/2009 12:39 (10902 bytes) 5546 Days
ConfigAdmin.asp 05/01/2019 15:40 (13035 bytes) 2130 Days
ConfigureAdditionalNotifications.asp 06/08/2009 18:33 (4630 bytes) 5744 Days
ConfigureCategories.asp 07/21/2003 14:46 (6001 bytes) 7893 Days
ConfigureDefaultGroupAssignment.asp 07/21/2003 14:46 (6626 bytes) 7893 Days
Convert35AccessToSQL.asp 07/21/2003 18:10 (7588 bytes) 7893 Days
ConvertToSQLServer.asp 10/08/2009 11:03 (7638 bytes) 5622 Days
ConvertToSQLServer60.asp 04/01/2008 14:47 (11205 bytes) 6177 Days
ConvertToSQLServer75.asp 07/12/2012 16:39 (9921 bytes) 4614 Days
countdown.js 07/21/2016 19:37 (2532 bytes) 3144 Days
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CreateTech.asp 08/13/2003 15:08 (5972 bytes) 7870 Days
CreateTop10.asp 07/21/2003 17:49 (6493 bytes) 7893 Days
Crib.asp 06/03/2008 17:10 (680 bytes) 6114 Days
css_access.dat 03/30/2009 22:08 (671 bytes) 5814 Days
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CUSTOM.GIF 03/03/2000 11:33 (1098 bytes) 9128 Days
CustomButton.asp 07/21/2003 14:46 (4706 bytes) 7893 Days
CustomerCenterConfiguration.asp 03/09/2009 22:14 (4942 bytes) 5835 Days
CustomerImportWizard.asp 04/07/2004 13:37 (2287 bytes) 7632 Days
CustomerSearchExample.asp 10/21/2016 09:13 (6949 bytes) 3052 Days
CustomersWithoutAssets.asp 02/01/2012 10:52 (4286 bytes) 4776 Days
CustomerSynch.asp 08/09/2006 18:06 (7605 bytes) 6778 Days
Customer_Id_Assist.asp 06/29/2004 14:37 (12743 bytes) 7549 Days
Customer_Id_AssistCustomerCaseAssignment.asp 02/19/2013 19:21 (12809 bytes) 4392 Days
Customer_Id_AssistForNewCase.asp 09/15/2011 17:26 (13127 bytes) 4915 Days
Customer_Id_Assist_all.asp 12/06/2011 08:47 (13637 bytes) 4833 Days
Customer_Id_Copy_Paste.asp 06/29/2004 14:37 (12638 bytes) 7549 Days
CustomImportScript.asp 11/22/2005 22:18 (16602 bytes) 7038 Days
CustomReport.asp 04/12/2004 12:00 (11887 bytes) 7627 Days
CustomReports.asp 09/12/2007 17:39 (4371 bytes) 6379 Days
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DBSnooper.asp 10/21/2013 12:18 (12142 bytes) 4148 Days
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default.asp 04/30/2019 14:12 (8599 bytes) 2131 Days
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default.v9.asp 04/25/2019 15:35 (10521 bytes) 2136 Days
DefaultWithGeoLocation4.asp 10/31/2016 10:23 (9318 bytes) 3042 Days
DeleteAdvancedEscalation.asp 03/28/2013 15:12 (6769 bytes) 4355 Days
DeleteAdvancedEscalationTimeFilter.asp 03/28/2013 22:13 (6165 bytes) 4355 Days
DeleteAsset.asp 11/14/2011 11:09 (10229 bytes) 4855 Days
DeleteBatchCustomers.asp 10/02/2007 14:54 (13665 bytes) 6359 Days
DeleteCase.asp 07/21/2003 14:46 (4197 bytes) 7893 Days
DeleteCustomerID.asp 04/12/2004 12:14 (6284 bytes) 7627 Days
DeleteExpenseEntry.asp 07/06/2011 14:42 (8099 bytes) 4986 Days
DeleteKBCase.asp 10/28/2004 16:37 (4879 bytes) 7428 Days
DeleteSupportGroup.asp 07/21/2003 14:46 (6249 bytes) 7893 Days
DeleteSurvey.asp 04/04/2006 16:31 (4447 bytes) 6905 Days
DeleteTech.asp 04/09/2012 08:31 (5329 bytes) 4708 Days
DeleteTimeSpentEntry.asp 11/17/2004 19:33 (7811 bytes) 7408 Days
DirectoryLookup.asp 05/19/2016 13:30 (27264 bytes) 3207 Days
DirSynch.asp 05/24/2006 18:42 (4423 bytes) 6855 Days
Dispatcher.asp 08/18/2004 13:47 (7147 bytes) 7499 Days
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DisplayFileDotNet.aspx 10/05/2017 16:37 (2721 bytes) 2703 Days
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DoAdvancedEscalationTimeFilter.asp 03/28/2013 19:33 (4572 bytes) 4355 Days
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DoAssetImportTest.asp 03/20/2015 10:38 (23884 bytes) 3633 Days
DoAssetInfo.asp 11/16/2017 15:55 (53130 bytes) 2661 Days
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DoAssetsBrief.asp 03/23/2015 18:35 (17108 bytes) 3630 Days
DoAssetsCSVRetireSurplusStep1.asp 05/01/2012 08:37 (8354 bytes) 4686 Days
DoAssetsCSVRetireSurplusStep2.asp 02/28/2013 10:41 (9653 bytes) 4383 Days
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DoAttachFileToProject.asp 10/04/2017 14:25 (18056 bytes) 2704 Days
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DoAttachPhotoToTech.asp 10/04/2017 14:22 (11086 bytes) 2704 Days
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DoChangeDefaultGroup1.asp 07/21/2003 14:46 (5653 bytes) 7893 Days
DoChangeDefaultGroup2.asp 07/21/2003 14:46 (4809 bytes) 7893 Days
DoClearDuplicateCase.asp 05/01/2013 19:50 (16879 bytes) 4321 Days
DoClearkb.asp 09/10/2003 16:59 (2975 bytes) 7842 Days
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DoConfigureCategories.asp 07/21/2003 14:46 (2530 bytes) 7893 Days
DoConfigureDefaultGroupAssignment.asp 07/21/2003 14:46 (9806 bytes) 7893 Days
DoConfigureDefaultGroupAssignment2.asp 07/21/2003 14:46 (7710 bytes) 7893 Days
DoConvertToSQLServer.asp 10/08/2009 10:51 (88297 bytes) 5622 Days
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DoCreateCategoryList.asp 07/21/2003 14:46 (6327 bytes) 7893 Days
DoCreateSupportGroup.asp 07/21/2003 14:46 (5108 bytes) 7893 Days
DoCreateTop10.asp 11/13/2009 13:50 (3302 bytes) 5586 Days
DoCustomButton.asp 07/21/2003 14:46 (26699 bytes) 7893 Days
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DoEditSurveyQuestion.asp 07/21/2003 14:46 (1849 bytes) 7893 Days
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SurveyReportAll.asp 06/23/2008 18:10 (4582 bytes) 6094 Days
SurveyReportAvgByCaseCategories.asp 01/08/2015 17:46 (43209 bytes) 3704 Days
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SurveyReportAvgByTechGroup.12.5.13.asp 12/05/2013 14:46 (19772 bytes) 4103 Days
SurveyReportAvgByTechGroup.asp 12/26/2013 22:02 (19087 bytes) 4082 Days
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SurveyReportDetailsByCaseCategories.asp 12/23/2014 13:13 (13560 bytes) 3720 Days
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SurveyReportDetailsByTechGroup.asp 12/26/2013 18:53 (19772 bytes) 4082 Days
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vhbanner.gif 07/29/2015 21:45 (11555 bytes) 3502 Days
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wc_Style.css 11/30/2016 23:23 (26371 bytes) 3012 Days
wc_style.temp.css 11/30/2016 23:46 (26647 bytes) 3012 Days
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ZTest2.asp 11/28/2006 19:25 (642 bytes) 6667 Days
ZThree-leg.gif 11/26/2007 17:50 (25512 bytes) 6304 Days

Summary Results:
Number of files reviewed:808