Web+Center 8.0 Display All Current File Versions (Pocket) Directory |
This list below may contain bug fixes and enhancements for existing modules or
new modules with new functionality. All of the modules listed here use the database
table and columns definitions of the Version 8.0 tree and they should not require any
additional database upgrades to run properly.
To determine if any of your Web+Center files are not current with the current
shipping files, sort your (Pocket) directory by date and then compare the
dates and sizes provided by this utility. If there are some newer files available,
then click the individual file FTP download link and update your files.
One must be careful to not to overwrite any customizations that you may have done
on an ASP module. It is best to rename the current ASP module first so it can be recovered
if the new download module causes any problems.
BEFORE installing any new versions of a file, you should create a backup of the complete Web+Center
directory tree so you can recover to the original file
in case you have modified the
file for customization purposes and you do not want to lose those customizations.
Important: For licensed Web+Center users, some files will be different so
do not replace the files that you have modified for your additional
tech licenses.
Listed below is a list of the all current shipping Web+Center Version 8.0 files
of the Pocket directory. Information about each file is included next to it.
These files are for Version 8.0 upgrading only. Before upgrading any of these files, you
should be running Version 8.0 or have properly performed an upgrade to Version 8.0 that
includes the performing the database upgrading scripts. Do not attempt to load these files
into Web+Center versions other than 8.0.
Modified/Added in last 7 days | Modified/Added in last 7-14 days | Modified/Added in last 14-31 days | Modified/Added in the last 1 to 2 months | Modified/Added in the last 2 to 3 months | Modified/Added in the last 3 to 4 months | Modified/Added in the last 4 to 6 months | Modified/Added in the last 6 to 8 months | Modified/Added in the last 8 to 12 months | Modified/Added more than 1 year ago |
File Name (Click to download file) |
Modified Date/Time | File Age (Days) |
Adovbs.inc | 08/08/2003 16:26 (7419 bytes) | 7888 Days |
border.htm | 08/08/2003 16:26 (98 bytes) | 7888 Days |
CheckVersions.asp | 03/09/2011 12:54 (5418 bytes) | 5118 Days |
Customer_Id_Assist.asp | 04/07/2004 13:42 (12067 bytes) | 7645 Days |
Customer_Id_Copy_Paste.asp | 04/07/2004 14:07 (11935 bytes) | 7645 Days |
DB_define.inc | 03/08/2011 18:22 (2735 bytes) | 5119 Days |
default.asp | 03/06/2012 21:20 (2200 bytes) | 4755 Days |
default.htm | 01/09/2008 22:21 (217 bytes) | 6273 Days |
DoPAssetInfo.asp | 03/29/2012 09:43 (12759 bytes) | 4732 Days |
DoPAssets.asp | 03/28/2012 18:06 (19346 bytes) | 4733 Days |
DoPCaseForm.asp | 03/29/2012 17:12 (95777 bytes) | 4732 Days |
DoPEditEvent.asp | 08/08/2003 16:26 (17914 bytes) | 7888 Days |
DoPGetCase.asp | 03/28/2012 18:37 (16132 bytes) | 4733 Days |
DoPGetCustomer.asp | 12/02/2004 15:26 (11995 bytes) | 7406 Days |
DoPNewAsset.asp | 03/28/2012 16:51 (9945 bytes) | 4733 Days |
DoPNewCustomer.asp | 12/28/2006 20:18 (37242 bytes) | 6650 Days |
DoPocketLogin.asp | 08/08/2003 16:26 (6985 bytes) | 7888 Days |
DoPSearch.asp | 03/28/2012 20:01 (32151 bytes) | 4733 Days |
DoPtechlogin.asp | 01/21/2010 22:15 (8984 bytes) | 5530 Days |
DoTechLoginLic.asp | 08/08/2003 16:26 (7693 bytes) | 7888 Days |
DoVerifyAsset.asp | 08/21/2006 17:50 (14364 bytes) | 6779 Days |
DoVerifyAsset2.asp | 08/16/2006 15:44 (7730 bytes) | 6784 Days |
DoVerifyAssets.asp | 08/16/2006 11:52 (18095 bytes) | 6784 Days |
Global.asa | 01/30/2014 22:43 (6145 bytes) | 4060 Days |
My_status_green.gif | 05/22/2006 16:54 (2130 bytes) | 6870 Days |
My_status_red.gif | 05/22/2006 16:53 (2113 bytes) | 6870 Days |
PAssetInfo.asp | 03/29/2012 07:49 (17565 bytes) | 4732 Days |
PAssets.asp | 03/28/2012 17:17 (7036 bytes) | 4733 Days |
PCalendarView.asp | 08/08/2003 16:26 (7287 bytes) | 7888 Days |
PCaseForm.asp | 07/18/2005 15:16 (50619 bytes) | 7178 Days |
PCustomerUnlink.asp | 12/29/2006 13:32 (6095 bytes) | 6649 Days |
PCustomer_Id_Copy_Paste.asp | 04/23/2004 15:20 (10389 bytes) | 7629 Days |
PDoMyinfo.asp | 05/22/2006 16:30 (1098 bytes) | 6870 Days |
PEditCompany.asp | 03/28/2012 17:16 (13144 bytes) | 4733 Days |
PEditEvent.asp | 06/25/2007 23:13 (18343 bytes) | 6471 Days |
PEncodepwd.inc | 11/05/2007 21:20 (7828 bytes) | 6338 Days |
PExportMyCalendarEvents.asp | 06/26/2007 09:14 (20507 bytes) | 6470 Days |
PGetCase.asp | 04/23/2004 15:20 (5714 bytes) | 7629 Days |
PGetCustomer.asp | 12/17/2007 10:52 (7492 bytes) | 6296 Days |
PGroupcases.asp | 09/10/2003 17:00 (15590 bytes) | 7855 Days |
PListCompanyCustomers.asp | 12/29/2006 13:01 (2906 bytes) | 6649 Days |
PListview.asp | 08/11/2003 15:46 (12635 bytes) | 7885 Days |
PLogout.asp | 01/21/2010 22:56 (1880 bytes) | 5530 Days |
PManage_Companies.asp | 03/28/2012 17:14 (4703 bytes) | 4733 Days |
PMycases.asp | 08/08/2003 18:05 (15420 bytes) | 7888 Days |
PMyinfo.asp | 05/22/2006 16:44 (2998 bytes) | 6870 Days |
PNewAsset.asp | 03/28/2012 16:43 (3751 bytes) | 4733 Days |
PNewCase.asp | 04/23/2004 15:20 (3066 bytes) | 7629 Days |
PNewCustomer.asp | 03/28/2012 20:14 (21962 bytes) | 4733 Days |
Pocketinstallguide.htm | 08/08/2003 16:26 (9218 bytes) | 7888 Days |
PocketUserGuide.htm | 08/08/2003 16:26 (36827 bytes) | 7888 Days |
Pocket_home.asp | 03/28/2012 17:15 (6653 bytes) | 4733 Days |
Pocket_invaliduser.inc | 08/14/2003 18:01 (5196 bytes) | 7882 Days |
Pocket_Postlude.inc | 05/22/2006 14:40 (1906 bytes) | 6870 Days |
Pocket_Prelude.inc | 01/22/2010 15:42 (3201 bytes) | 5529 Days |
POtherCases.asp | 08/08/2003 16:26 (3709 bytes) | 7888 Days |
PScheduledcases.asp | 03/28/2012 20:10 (18479 bytes) | 4733 Days |
PSearch.asp | 04/23/2004 15:21 (10026 bytes) | 7629 Days |
PSelectCompany.asp | 12/28/2006 14:19 (583 bytes) | 6650 Days |
PShowDayCalendar.asp | 08/11/2003 15:48 (16040 bytes) | 7885 Days |
PShowGroupDayCalendar.asp | 08/11/2003 15:50 (16404 bytes) | 7885 Days |
Ptechusererror.inc | 08/08/2003 16:26 (883 bytes) | 7888 Days |
PUpdateAssets.asp | 03/29/2012 10:34 (14201 bytes) | 4732 Days |
PUpdateOneKB.asp | 08/08/2003 16:26 (12076 bytes) | 7888 Days |
PUpdateOneKB_not_yet_done.asp | 08/08/2003 16:26 (11787 bytes) | 7888 Days |
p_default_new.gif | 01/22/2010 15:31 (2400 bytes) | 5529 Days |
p_login.gif | 02/18/2003 16:16 (1054 bytes) | 8059 Days |
Selected_green.gif | 01/01/2007 16:27 (836 bytes) | 6646 Days |
Selected_red.gif | 01/01/2007 16:28 (64 bytes) | 6646 Days |
SetGlobal.asp | 12/26/2012 17:52 (3516 bytes) | 4460 Days |
Size.htm | 08/08/2003 16:26 (5139 bytes) | 7888 Days |
TestPocket.htm | 01/09/2008 22:21 (661 bytes) | 6273 Days |
Thumbs.db | 01/08/2009 15:35 (7680 bytes) | 5908 Days |
VerifyAsset.asp | 08/16/2006 19:32 (1507 bytes) | 6784 Days |
wcpLabels.inc | 02/27/2005 23:04 (5045 bytes) | 7319 Days |
wc_Style.css | 01/25/2005 23:11 (20574 bytes) | 7352 Days |
xdefault.htm | 08/08/2003 16:49 (953 bytes) | 7888 Days |
Summary Results:
Number of files reviewed:77