Web+Center 8.0 9.0 Display All Current File Versions (CUSTOMERMOBILE) Directory |
To determine if any of your Web+Center files are not current with the current
shipping files, sort your (Techcenter) directory by date and then compare the
dates and sizes provided by this utility. If there are some newer files available,
then click the individual file FTP download link and update your files.
One must be careful to not to overwrite any customizations that you may have done
on an ASP module. It is best to rename the current ASP module first so it can be recovered
if the new download module causes any problems.
BEFORE installing any new versions of a file, you should create a backup of the complete Web+Center
directory tree so you can recover to the original file
in case you have modified the
file for customization purposes and you do not want to lose those customizations.
Important: For licensed Web+Center users, some files will be different so
do not replace the files that you have modified for your additional
tech licenses.
Listed below is a list of the all current shipping Web+Center Version 8/9.0 files
of the MobileCenter directory. Information about each file is included next to it.
Modified/Added in last 7 days | Modified/Added in last 7-14 days | Modified/Added in last 14-31 days | Modified/Added in the last 1 to 2 months | Modified/Added in the last 2 to 3 months | Modified/Added in the last 3 to 4 months | Modified/Added in the last 4 to 6 months | Modified/Added in the last 6 to 8 months | Modified/Added in the last 8 to 12 months | Modified/Added more than 1 year ago |
File Name (Click to download file) |
Modified Date/Time | File Age (Days) |
AccountMobile.asp | 06/05/2017 16:56 (17541 bytes) | 2819 Days |
Adovbs.inc | 07/22/2003 14:57 (7419 bytes) | 7886 Days |
AjaxLibs.inc | 01/31/2013 08:44 (437 bytes) | 4405 Days |
app.html | 01/23/2013 20:34 (2262 bytes) | 4413 Days |
apple-touch-icon.png | 02/22/2014 22:24 (6935 bytes) | 4018 Days |
AssetInfoMobile.asp | 01/08/2018 16:51 (28299 bytes) | 2602 Days |
assets.png | 01/21/2014 18:44 (1979 bytes) | 4050 Days |
AuthorizeTimeSpentMobile.asp | 03/05/2013 11:18 (8265 bytes) | 4372 Days |
bullet2.gif | 09/13/1999 13:17 (202 bytes) | 9294 Days |
Case.asp | 01/30/2013 09:45 (5111 bytes) | 4406 Days |
CassetSearch75Mobile.asp | 03/06/2013 18:46 (5638 bytes) | 4371 Days |
CAssetSearchMobile.asp | 02/13/2013 22:55 (5205 bytes) | 4392 Days |
CCSearchMobile.asp | 05/23/2017 14:08 (6549 bytes) | 2832 Days |
CDownloadMobile.asp | 10/02/2017 21:24 (2845 bytes) | 2700 Days |
CHeader.inc | 01/30/2013 08:59 (753 bytes) | 4406 Days |
CHeaderMobile.inc | 11/23/2015 15:00 (778 bytes) | 3379 Days |
CheckVersions.asp | 12/22/2015 15:51 (5653 bytes) | 3350 Days |
CloseMobileTextWindow.asp | 02/12/2013 23:02 (6622 bytes) | 4393 Days |
custom.png | 01/21/2014 18:23 (2009 bytes) | 4050 Days |
CustomerCenterFunctions.inc | 06/10/2015 07:55 (3471 bytes) | 3545 Days |
CustomerLoginDialog.asp | 12/18/2017 14:50 (2811 bytes) | 2623 Days |
customerloginmobile.asp | 12/18/2017 14:50 (2687 bytes) | 2623 Days |
CustomerLogoutMobile.asp | 01/30/2013 18:45 (1419 bytes) | 4406 Days |
CustomerMobileFAQ.asp | 01/08/2018 17:29 (8338 bytes) | 2602 Days |
CustomerMobileFooter.inc | 02/05/2018 11:34 (1816 bytes) | 2574 Days |
customermobilestartuphotel.gif | 09/21/2017 17:28 (14352 bytes) | 2711 Days |
customerusererrormobile.asp | 05/24/2017 15:13 (7499 bytes) | 2831 Days |
CustomerUserErrorMobile.inc | 02/12/2014 18:21 (1707 bytes) | 4028 Days |
DB_define.inc | 05/07/2019 10:06 (5157 bytes) | 2118 Days |
DCF.asp | 03/01/2013 18:46 (8318 bytes) | 4376 Days |
DCLM.asp | 12/18/2017 15:50 (12653 bytes) | 2623 Days |
DebugTestPage.asp | 02/10/2015 00:23 (4699 bytes) | 3665 Days |
default.asp | 02/09/2018 22:49 (5964 bytes) | 2570 Days |
default.scott.asp | 02/04/2013 17:17 (3689 bytes) | 4401 Days |
defaultmobile.asp | 01/28/2013 22:03 (11211 bytes) | 4408 Days |
detectmobilebrowser.asp | 03/03/2013 22:35 (2692 bytes) | 4374 Days |
DoAccountMobile.asp | 06/05/2017 21:05 (20012 bytes) | 2819 Days |
DoAccountMobileme.asp | 01/31/2013 14:33 (18443 bytes) | 4405 Days |
DoAttachPhotoToCustomerMobile.asp | 10/04/2017 14:29 (7627 bytes) | 2698 Days |
DoAuthorizeTimeSpentMobile.asp | 03/05/2013 12:02 (16286 bytes) | 4372 Days |
DoCaseFormMobile.asp | 09/28/2017 13:42 (82959 bytes) | 2704 Days |
DoCaseFormMobile2.asp | 04/29/2013 10:19 (83738 bytes) | 4317 Days |
DoCAssetSearch75Mobile.asp | 03/07/2013 10:02 (6081 bytes) | 4370 Days |
DoCAssetSearchMobile.asp | 03/07/2013 15:54 (6682 bytes) | 4370 Days |
DoCCSearch1Mobile.asp | 05/23/2017 14:10 (29484 bytes) | 2832 Days |
DoCCSearch2Mobile.asp | 02/26/2013 14:36 (12019 bytes) | 4379 Days |
DoCDownloadMobile.asp | 10/05/2017 16:48 (75315 bytes) | 2697 Days |
DoCustomerLoginMobile.asp | 12/18/2017 14:49 (12537 bytes) | 2623 Days |
DoDebugTestPage.asp | 02/10/2015 00:24 (4699 bytes) | 3665 Days |
DoDeleteCustomerPhotoMobile.asp | 06/13/2015 12:33 (5932 bytes) | 3542 Days |
DoDisplayCaseFormMobile.asp | 02/03/2013 17:40 (6329 bytes) | 4402 Days |
DoMobileAutoLogin.asp | 09/29/2015 10:36 (29212 bytes) | 3434 Days |
DoMobileSendTextMsg.asp | 02/12/2013 15:21 (6196 bytes) | 4393 Days |
DoRecoverPassword.asp | 02/05/2013 09:14 (10277 bytes) | 4400 Days |
DoRegistrationNOT.asp | 02/01/2013 13:49 (19353 bytes) | 4404 Days |
DoRequestTxtMsgLogin.asp | 12/18/2017 14:51 (19337 bytes) | 2623 Days |
DoTicketMobile.asp | 03/27/2018 20:50 (86235 bytes) | 2524 Days |
DoTicketMobile.asp.new | 02/12/2014 18:34 (81813 bytes) | 4028 Days |
EditCustomerPhotoMobile.asp | 06/13/2015 12:46 (2922 bytes) | 3542 Days |
EditCustomerPhotoTM.asp | 06/13/2015 12:46 (2922 bytes) | 3542 Days |
Encodepwd.inc | 11/05/2007 21:20 (7828 bytes) | 6319 Days |
EXTRAticket.asp | 01/31/2013 12:41 (11377 bytes) | 4405 Days |
faq.png | 05/23/2017 16:00 (1232 bytes) | 2832 Days |
Global.asa | 05/07/2019 14:04 (6633 bytes) | 2118 Days |
global.v9.asa | 05/06/2019 22:44 (6555 bytes) | 2119 Days |
HotelFunctionsCMobile.inc | 02/27/2018 17:15 (2704 bytes) | 2552 Days |
InvalidcustomerMOBILE.inc | 01/31/2013 14:33 (6299 bytes) | 4405 Days |
isslogo.gif | 11/13/1996 18:37 (1506 bytes) | 10328 Days |
LanguageBarMobile.inc | 10/08/2015 15:40 (1295 bytes) | 3425 Days |
LoginTicketMobile.asp | 02/03/2013 17:37 (1753 bytes) | 4402 Days |
LowerNavBar.inc | 05/24/2017 09:22 (5999 bytes) | 2831 Days |
LowerNavBar.scott.inc | 02/04/2013 17:17 (1956 bytes) | 4401 Days |
MobileChat.asp | 02/11/2013 13:25 (4487 bytes) | 4394 Days |
MobileChat.asp.sav | 02/11/2013 13:07 (4496 bytes) | 4394 Days |
MobileChat2.asp | 02/13/2013 12:47 (3748 bytes) | 4392 Days |
MobileChatFrame.asp | 02/12/2013 14:55 (6184 bytes) | 4393 Days |
MobileChatFrame.asp.org | 02/12/2013 14:48 (6174 bytes) | 4393 Days |
MobileChatWindow.asp | 02/13/2013 12:51 (6895 bytes) | 4392 Days |
MobileConfiguration.inc | 08/08/2017 14:12 (2664 bytes) | 2755 Days |
MobileFunctions.asp | 01/29/2013 21:22 (309 bytes) | 4407 Days |
MobileSendTextMsg.asp | 02/12/2013 23:06 (4943 bytes) | 4393 Days |
MobileShowTextMsg.asp | 02/12/2013 20:54 (5526 bytes) | 4393 Days |
MobileTextChatThread.asp | 02/12/2013 11:49 (2364 bytes) | 4393 Days |
my.css | 01/12/2013 23:47 (31 bytes) | 4424 Days |
my.js | 01/12/2013 23:47 (29 bytes) | 4424 Days |
MyAssetsMobile.asp | 01/08/2018 16:34 (4978 bytes) | 2602 Days |
myrequests.png | 05/23/2017 15:49 (2390 bytes) | 2832 Days |
newaccount.asp | 01/23/2013 23:36 (9628 bytes) | 4413 Days |
NewAccountMobile.asp | 01/31/2013 14:55 (7345 bytes) | 4405 Days |
RecoverPassword.asp | 05/24/2017 10:07 (2923 bytes) | 2831 Days |
request.png | 05/23/2017 21:43 (4665 bytes) | 2832 Days |
RequestTxtMsgLogin.asp | 05/24/2017 15:56 (3067 bytes) | 2831 Days |
robots.txt | 09/30/2016 13:49 (30 bytes) | 3067 Days |
SamplejqueryListCode.asp | 02/05/2013 21:32 (2975 bytes) | 4400 Days |
SetAssetToCaseMobile.asp | 03/07/2013 16:31 (2959 bytes) | 4370 Days |
SetGlobal.asp | 04/07/2009 19:39 (3440 bytes) | 5800 Days |
SetLanguageCookie.asp | 10/08/2015 14:35 (1299 bytes) | 3425 Days |
SetLanguageIncludes.asp | 01/31/2017 12:25 (1159 bytes) | 2944 Days |
SettingsMobile.asp | 05/23/2017 14:47 (1929 bytes) | 2832 Days |
ShowCustomerAssetsMobile.asp | 05/23/2017 15:04 (5505 bytes) | 2832 Days |
SimpleMobilePage.asp | 02/12/2013 12:10 (2364 bytes) | 4393 Days |
SiteInfo.asp | 05/23/2017 14:29 (2249 bytes) | 2832 Days |
siteinfo.png | 05/23/2017 15:54 (1803 bytes) | 2832 Days |
startupmobile.gif | 09/22/2017 11:20 (124986 bytes) | 2710 Days |
startupmobilehotel.gif | 02/09/2018 11:37 (14361 bytes) | 2570 Days |
Thumbs.db | 04/03/2013 11:59 (7168 bytes) | 4343 Days |
Ticket.asp | 01/31/2013 14:34 (5117 bytes) | 4405 Days |
TicketMobile.asp | 03/27/2018 21:03 (32285 bytes) | 2524 Days |
TicketTemp.asp | 01/31/2013 10:47 (3289 bytes) | 4405 Days |
Upload.asp | 02/05/2013 15:56 (4578 bytes) | 4400 Days |
UpperNavBar.inc | 06/05/2017 16:24 (5597 bytes) | 2819 Days |
Version.inc | 03/17/2014 11:50 (7756 bytes) | 3995 Days |
ViewCaseMobile.asp | 02/07/2013 15:44 (6672 bytes) | 4398 Days |
ViewFAQMobile.asp | 02/06/2013 11:24 (7898 bytes) | 4399 Days |
ViewTicketsMobile.asp | 01/08/2018 16:30 (7549 bytes) | 2602 Days |
wc_Style.css | 01/22/2013 15:46 (30791 bytes) | 4414 Days |
Summary Results:
Number of files reviewed:116